Our Impact

Bavubuka Foundation is our first Access Partner (“AP”)!

SAF is committed to providing seed funding for Bavabuka Foundation, a local foundation in Kampala, Uganda, with sustainable community prosperity and legacy objectives.  

Bavabuka Foundation is committed to mobilizing the local communities to better understand community needs and include SAF, and other partners, to provide the right programs and support for the communities

Bavabuka’s sustainability roadmap for community development includes a Community Center to serve as an incubator for creativity in art, music, and technology.  It is currently being built.

Bavabuka Foundation endeavors to create a sustainable eco village owned and led by locals as part of that road map.

Digital Health

Access to healthcare is a barrier for millions worldwide.  

Innovations in technology have been able to help close these access gaps.  

Digital health has promising applications for introducing more people to finite healthcare resources.

Advocacy for broadband accessibility is a large part of enabling digital health as a possible solution.

Community Development

Cultivating training, mentorship, education, and community well-being, focus areas will be on Youth Programs and Trauma Awareness & Behavioral Health.

Youth Programs

In many developing areas, youth account for the largest proportion of the population. For example, across the African continent, approximately 40% of the population is under the age of 15.  

Trauma & Behavioral Health

Trauma and behavioral health impact many of us and can inhibit our ability to move forward productively, with true access to one’s own well-being.  Development of communities benefits from acknowledging existing and ancestral traumas, including historical oppressive threads that linger today, such as colonialism.   

Up to 85% of individuals facing mental health challenges in developing countries do not receive care; those unmet needs carrying a significant economic burden.  

Advocacy in behavioral health can keep the conversation in our awareness, support shifts in how behavioral health is viewed and treated, and create more pathways for access to services. 

Poverty Eradication

Food and Water

Access to food and clean water are foundational to public health.  Millions worldwide are at risk of living without nourishing food each day. The global disease burden accounted for by water-borne disease is an estimated 4.1%, lending to about 1.8 million annual deaths, most of which (88%) can be attributed to unsafe water sources.  

Agricultural programs to support community farming, business management, and sustainable development of food sources can support the alleviation of poverty.

Business & Legacy Strengthening

Communities reliant upon outside sources for growth and development can often have negative impacts on the agency of those communities, long term.  To support local businesses, organizations, and community groups in revisiting the legacy of their indigenous culture, is to honor the strengths and the history and reinforce or strengthen that which is innate.

Innovations in Sustainable Development

Globally, we are met with the burden of infectious and non-infectious disease, aging population, climate change, widespread hunger and poverty, global conflicts, and more.  With so many variables at play, providing for sustainable development will require careful planning that observes adaptability in the face of change.  

Innovations that open up new ways of looking at development in a sustainable way will enable our ability to thrive optimally, by increasing access points for individuals and communities to their own agency and to their own health and well-being.


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