Our Approach

The people in our changemaker partner communities already know what they need to succeed. They have their own vision, and they know the barriers that stand in their way.

Our job is to listen to changemakers’ ideas and help them break down those barriers.

When we first meet with new changemakers, we take the time to build personal connections. We share a meal and hear their thoughts about family, spirituality, security, and the personal experiences that shape their outlook of the world. These conversations help us understand what the changemakers truly want to accomplish and the vision they have for their community’s success. 

We work alongside our changemakers to devise solutions engineered to grow and scale. This ensures the project has lasting

impact and is well-positioned for further progress, profitability, and scalable investments from a range of sources. 

Next, we round up the resources needed to make the solution work, whether it’s funding, goods, equipment, or expertise. With the resources in place and a project plan defined, SAF supports organizations to refine their approach until it meets their objectives. Then we measure the results against milestones defined with the community members using the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as an additional framework to define success. 

The project can either “fail or scale.” If it fails, adjustments are made until a scalable solution is nailed down and a smooth process is defined. 

Examples of Projects

A program that trains Ugandans on creating fertilizer so they can increase farmer income and crop yield, while reducing waste and creating employment for inner city youth.

Planning and assessment for the design of an eco-village on the Nile with plans for infrastructure, education, and employment.

Establishing a Quality Control Facility to enable production of community products that will increase market competitiveness and increase livelihood.