knowing that there is a door to walk through if you choose

Access is…

SAF accelerates answers to SDG efforts by assembling proactive partnerships.


Enabling Partnerships


Donations & Donors: Website donations for SAF programs; Resources and non-monetary donations, such as laptops or cloud credits, supporting community development. Donations enable SAF to create more support programs; Donors enable supporting resources to enact program objectives.

Investors: Crowdfunding, Community pools, Stop loss investing, and Micro loans pools

Investors may participate in strengthening access programs, with both tax and real returns upsides

Partners in Capacity Building: Career Exp, Advocacy, Subject Matter Experts, and Innovations\

Capacity Partners create a pipeline of talented individuals to help define and strengthen programs and outcomes

Incubation Partners: Program definition, Pilot innovations, and Program measurement

Incubation Partners enable a ‘fail fast’ approach to sustainable innovation approaches; graduating innovations will ignite scaling partnerships.

Community Investments: Micro grants ($500-$5k), Scale grants ($15k-$50k), and Sustainable Business grants ($25k-$250k)

SAF investment recipients have the ability to pursue their sustainable community-impacting approaches

Join the charge for equitable access

SAF brings together partner collaboratives for global development, to innovate beyond current approaches, and reduce inequities in access to personal agency and community well-being.

The Sustainable Access Foundation (SAF), is a 501c3 not-for-profit, non-governmental organization supporting community development needs globally, in alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Dedicated focus areas have been identified to launch foundation efforts, though SAF is committed to being as dynamic as the donor landscape, pace of innovation, and communities needs demand.  SAF culture embraces curiosity, openness, innovation, creativity, and mindfulness.